
Pet Shop Lebanon


we're pet lovers too

Get To Know US better .

PetShopLebanon is an online pet food and supplies store based in Lebanon and owned by pet society lebanon a local store that offers everything your dog and cat needs .

because Your Pet is Our Passion

we're always available to hear from you .

Free Consultation

Wherever  you lives in Lebanon .

We’re open to share our knowledge and experiences with you. Feel free to consult us whenever your dog and cat were in needs for help , and we’ll be more than happy to help you take the right decision concerning choosing the right nutriments , supplements , treats and accessories


 through our long time experiences of taking care of our own pets , we’re now confident that we  can share  some advices that may help your pet to stay healthy and avoid serious health dangers in the future 



our main goal is to spread pets awareness , knowing that some pets are suffering , mistreated ,having troubles to have the right nutriments , the right care or the right grooming ..etc make us sad  , we’re trying to do  our best to correct some bad habits and notations

Knowledge is everything

Our Skills.



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Dolor sit amet ekolor aloma Cons cteur the old what adis Incint ullt labe olay ery off



Dolor sit amet ekolor aloma Cons cteur the old what adis Incint ullt labe olay ery off

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Dolor sit amet ekolor aloma  Cons ctetur the old what adips Incidunt ullt labe the off Duis euisod risus metus, a faucib.


Dolor sit amet ekolor aloma  Cons ctetur the old what adips Incidunt ullt labe the off Duis euisod risus metus, a faucib.


Dolor sit amet ekolor aloma  Cons ctetur the old what adips Incidunt ullt labe the off Duis euisod risus metus, a faucib.


Dolor sit amet ekolor aloma  Cons ctetur the old what adips Incidunt ullt labe the off Duis euisod risus metus, a faucib.

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